I find myself in this moment, in a happy place. 
Positive energy and a peacefulness I haven’t felt in many, many days.

  I have decided to be friends with “63” - better friends than enemies. Also, I will take full responsibility of this aging process (as much as God will allow) - and age with GRACE.

Gratitude – being thankful, or feeling gratitude, is an essential part of acceptance and satisfaction … a kindness we allow for ourselves. 

Resilence – accepting a weakness and then powering through it can be a struggle.  I’ve found that others in our life sometimes try to sabotage the “forgiveness” we allow for ourselves. A while back, I wrote a note to someone stating that ‘I had forgiven myself for …’. That person used my statement to enhance a hurt…the someone laughed and joked to others ‘she forgives herself? How do you forgive yourself if others haven’t forgiven you?’ Such garbage. I still believe we must all forgive ourselves in order to live a life filled with love and grace.  As for any more apologies to that specific someone, I’ll take care of things from afar.

Attitude: Attitude affects all human interaction – we can all work on this one! I don’t need to
explain my thoughts on this one other than to say ones attitude may be observable. We drive 
future interactions to a negative or positive place – everyone ‘drives’ with their own attitude.

Courage: It takes courage to age gracefully and to live with grace. I will. Aloneness takes courage to endure. 

Education: I will forever educate others and myself. Always! 

Today, April 6th, I choose love and grace. If I matter in a heart – that’s great. I can do no more. I will be the best person I can be – I’ll never say perfect.I will not judge others - I’ve felt that 
whip and lived through it. We can’t control getting older on the calendar, but it’s all good. I have no need to control the time, today is a beautiful day. All we really have is today. God and Grace.

If you truly know me, you get my humor. I’m serious and steadfast; but I choose ‘funny’ if it fits the moment. Right now, as I compose thoughts, is a 
perfect time for funny. I can do that because I’m 63…and ME!

The older I get the more I realize the value of privacy. Of cultivating your circle and only letting certain people in. You can be open, honest, and real while understanding not everyone deserves a seat at the table of your life.
Back to serious…”Thank you for being a marigold.”
The sweetest words ever spoken to me by a former group of 
college students…I pray to always be a marigold to someone.

This first day of “63” is beautiful. I feel blessed in many ways. Today is my Birthday. Tomorrow begins another year’s journey. Whatever has been held for me – is unconditional love.
This I believe.
“Nothing is so gentle as real strength…” Ralph Waldo Emerson


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