MY AUTHENTIC SELF: Notes On My 60th Birthday

No "Dead People Story" Today...
... just my thoughts... could be boring ... you decide.

Notes On My 60th Birthday
My Authentic Self – AFAB
April 6, 2015

Somehow a 60th birthday seems like a milestone worth pondering.I am not young anymore.  Why would I kid myself about that?I don’t see, hear or remember as well as I did a few years ago. However, I can see, hear, and remember.

What am I telling myself at this stage of my life?

·      Remember the Turmeric every day (my joints love their turmeric).

·      Never forget the ‘bag’ with all of your meds when you go to the doctor (I always promised myself that ‘taking’ that ‘sack’/’bag’ would NEVER be something that I would do (I apologize to my parents).

·      Do the important things now.

·      I have no intentions of telling my daughter and son-in-law how to raise Ella Kate and Graham (they are doing a wonderful job all on their own).

·      Do I have those 4am friends that would come to me in an instant?  Yes.  Yes, I do. They are loved.  They are true.

·      Receiving birthday texts at 7:52 am and 10:51pm are meant.

·       When someone starts a sentence “I’m not being …” – they are.

·      I intend to live long enough to make sure every person on the earth understands the correct use of “good” and “well”.

·      I pray that when I am a real arseache in the grocery store, the younger generation will embrace it … or not.

·      Every single bad mood can be lifted; and will be.

·      There is a ‘memory cloud’ – God.

·      I love my Country.  I pray for Her recovery.

·       I accept me exactly as I am with all of my imperfections.

·      I will savor every moment – even the difficult ones. 

·      When an email/directions/assignments, etc… directs one (in BOLDED LETTERS) to ‘READ THIS ALL THE WAY TO THE END’ – one usually will not.  I might possibly consider never including those words in an email to my college students again. I will make that decision ‘in the moment’.

·       I once read that during World War II the leaders (I do not remember which side – and it doesn’t matter) would encourage the people with “Stay calm and carry on.” 

Guess that sounds about right for this moment in time. … and the beat goes on … for today at least!

As always...


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