Martin-Alexander Cemetery
DeKalb County, Tennessee

There is a great deal that I continue to uncover as I keep researching.  I happened upon this cemetery as I began putting my 'Martin' connection together.  This family line has some unknowns and mysteries; however, I do know the information below is correct.

Alexander Martin (1797 - 1876)
is your 4th great grandfather
son of Alexander Martin
son of Matthew T Martin
son of Ammon Asbury Martin
daughter of Alexander Martin
son of Dovie Mary Martin
You are the daughter of Ernest Haywood Allison

As I began delving more into Alexander Martin (4th Great Grandfather), I found a number of things engaging. 

1) I had never heard or read anything 
about this cemetery - planning to visit 
this upcoming week.

2) Of the more than 80 cemeteries that were moved from the area covered by 
Center Hill Lake in 1948, not one was
 located in a church yard.  I find that unusual. 

3) Here's the truly engaging fact...
within a family unit, 'some' members of the family will be buried in the same cemetery - and others will be buried with spouses in other cemeteries, etc.This is the 'first' family (parents and their children) that I have happened upon where all are buried in the same cemetery - except for Matthew and Abram who were killed during the Civil War.

Matthew & Abram were killed during the Civil War - their bodies were lost or destroyed. Lost or destroyed  - those words sadden and hurt my heart.

Alexander Martin
Martha "Patsy" Gambrell (Alexander's wife)
Children buried here:
Mary Ann Martin - married a Parker
Martha P. Martin - married an Allen
Matthew T. Martin (Civil War Casualty) - married a Tyree 
Abram Moore Martin (Civil War Casualty)
Susan Elizabeth Martin - married a Phillips
Jane Elizabeth Martin - married a Tinsley
Missouri Marian Martin - married a Hayes
(In addition to the above, there are spouses and other descendants from this family buried in this cemetery.)

This Cemetery is named for Alexander Martin (1797-1876).
Located on Martin Cemetery Road - 1 mile south of 
Hurricane Bridge (east of Hwy. 56). 
Site on top of hill overlooking the lake.
Access is left, off road at gate, or through resort at the end 
of the road.  When accessing from the resort, bear left 
through all turns and splits.  Cemetery is on left.

CEMETERY NO. 105 in Cemeteries of DeKalb County, Tennessee.
"There are about 350 cemeteries in DeKalb County, most of them small family or neighborhood plots. These family cemeteries might be anywhere; sometimes on the most inaccessible ridge on the property, and other times in the corner of the front yard or behind the barn. These family cemeteries exist in all parts of the county; in the Caney Fork area there was hardly anything else. Of more than 80 cemeteries moved from the area covered by Center Hill Lake in1948, not one was located in a church yard. Most of these graves were moved to Mount Holly Cemetery and are included in this book. We have, however, kept the information that we obtained from the Corps of Engineers in the separate plots in which they recorded the information gathered at the time of the disinterment."
Thomas G. Webb, DeKalb County Historian
Audrey D. Turner Webb
Robert T. Wall
Doris Garrison Gilbert, Transcriber
Richard Allan Gilbert, Computer Programmer

Family Names
Allen, Anderson, Burton, Drake, Dunham, Hayes, 
Hudson, Martin, Parker, Pedigo, Phillips, Shields, Smith,
Tinsley, Warren

Last burial was around 1953
Transcription of Headstones from Martin, Alexander Cemetery, Dekalb Co. TN


Grave ID

First Name

Middle Name

Other Name


Birth Date

Death Date
20780801HerbertS.Dunham23 Apr 189514 May 1931
20781003JaneTinsley1 Dec 183120 Jan 1867
20781104MarthaAnnWarren8 Jul 185019 Nov 1880
20781205NelsonM.Phillips2 Dec 1862(no day) Oct 1864
20781306M.A.McGuire25 Aug 184213 May 1884
20781407W.H.Smith2 Jun 184016 Oct 1861
20781508NancyM.Tyree8 Feb 184114 Aug 1894
20781609JohnM.Tinsley7 Jan 18267 Mar 1902
20781710LenaAshburn3 Apr 19013 Aug 1934
20781811SusanL.Hayes13 Nov 186410 Sep 1884
20781912CappieHayes18 Jul 186110 Jan 1948
20782013AdaLisk28 Nov 186314 Jul 1890
20782114CarryMayHallum24 Jul 188920 Oct 1890
20782215G.W.Hallum18 Dec 18537 Oct 1909
20782316MaggieAndersonCoe7 May 19104 Dec 1969
20782417WilliamErskineAnderson12 Feb 189125 Oct 1901
20782518InfantAnderson18 Mar 189612 Jun 1896
20782619DoraE.Anderson1 Sep 18891 May 1890
20782720SusanM.Eastham2 Feb 18444 Jul 1878
20782821LauraM.Hayes20 Mar 18769 May 1975
20782922AlexanderMartin19 Nov 179721 Nov 1876
20783023PatsyMartin17 Feb 180118 Jul 1879
20783124InfantHayes20 Mar 186729 Feb 1868
20783225JohnS.Allen13 Feb 181320 May 1878
20783326MarthaP.Allen21 May 182120 Jan 1894
20783427RichardC.Hayes31 Oct 18328 Dec 1895
20783528MissouriHayes6 Jun 18377 Mar 1899
20783629CoraAllenShields21 Oct 185410 Jun 1918
20783730WillH.Smith8 Dec 18616 Feb 1937
20783831JessieSpencerAnderson21 Dec 189214 Jan 1942
20783932MaggieL.EasthamAnderson16 May 18711 Oct 1913
20784033SilasFrancisAnderson21 Nov 186314 Jun 1949
20784134InfantAnderson18 Dec 189418 Dec 1894
20784235ManceM.Burton30 Nov 185430 Jun 1946
20784336PattieDrakeBurton8 Jan 1873-
20784437EffieD.Warren21 Mar 188131 Mar 1922
20784538I.N.Drake27 Oct 183422 Apr 1902
20784639E.R.Drake5 Aug 18402 Jan 1917
20784942JohnA.Drake2 Jun 186317 May 1865
20785043IdaDrake4 Nov 186421 May 1865
20785346MarthaDunham14 Mar 18596 Dec 1939
20785447F.P.Dunham24 Jan 18533 Aug 1917
20785548RubyKateWarren1 Sep 192810 Sep 1928
20785649AdaD.Hudson18 Apr 187510 Jan 1953
20785750ClydeDrakeBurton22 Mar 189417 Sep 1896
20785851InfantWarren20 Mar 190021 Nov 1900

I mentioned early in this post that I have encountered some 'hardships' along the way concerning this line.  To be more specific, my problem came with Matthew T. Martin (my 3rd Great Grandfather).  My 2nd Great Grandfather - Ammon Asbury Martin - was the son of Matthew T. Martin and Lois Deweese.  I do not believe they were married.  Lois was 15 years old when Ammon was born - no record of marriage.
 In addition, Ammon lived in the household of John and Nancy Lafever in an 1850 Census record.  John was a well-known potter; along with sons John and Jesse.  I have yet to figure out this connection - but I plan to keep on keeping on.
Matthew T. was married to Nancy Tyree - after the birth of Ammon - and they had 3 children.  Nancy is buried in this cemetery.

...and the research will remain in operation!


  1. Hi Anna,

    I'm researching my gggggrandfather, Ammon Asbury Martin, and came across your blog today. I'm wondering if you happen to know what Dekalb/White co records reference Matthew Martin and Lois Deweese as his parents? I keep running across references to county records, but I can't find any citations of the actual records let alone the records themselves.

    Thank you for posting these records along with your insight, I've really enjoyed reading about our common ancestors
    Kali Myatt - kalimyatt at

    1. I’m thinking it is Louisa Deweese. I’ve been searching ( and searching....). I will post/send info.

  2. Kali,
    This is wonderful. I love getting messages and connecting. Do you live in Tennessee? I love to share!
    I will get my info together and see specifically what I have to confirm you question(s). Give me a couple of days and i promise to get back to you. Anna Allison-Burgess (Cookeville, TN) 931-303-3943

  3. Check out this citation: l. Lois DeWeese b. August 22,1822 in DeKalb Co Tn gave birth to Ammon Asbury Martin 10 August 1837 DeKalb Co Tn. (Lois is 15 yrs old in this record). Ammon Asbury Martin was raised by Matthew T Martin and Nancy Tyree. Was Matthew T. Martin the father?


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