Here's To The Girls ~ My Aunts

I must begin (and I know that my first cousins would agree) 
with my Aunt Lillie…She left us at the young age of 43 ~
A casualty of being diagnosed with 'one thing' only to find out
 it was 'another thing'…too late.
So…this post begins with Aunt Lillie whom I loved (still do) 
with my whole heart…and then some!

Lillie Merle Ashburn Vinson (Maternal Aunt)
May 21, 1937 ~ September 26, 1980

"In her I saw strength, wisdom, and beauty." afab

Aunt Lillie front and center…back in the days!
Aunt Lillie let me help her quilt, cook (no crust fudge pie - she gave me her recipe card that has her 'chocolate' fingerprints on it - still have that card) … and on and on and on.  Over 30 years - still loved...

Maternal Aunts 
Front row l-r: Aunt Lillie, Aunt Pearl, Aunt Ruth
Back row l-r: Aunt Reba, My Mama, My Grandmother, Aunt Inez 
(Aunt Reba and Aunt Ruth are alive and well)
Same hairstyle…wouldn't you say?

Paternal Aunts

Aunt Lou Ann - my 'Mitch-igan' Aunt
(That's how my Daddy pronounced it)
 Nancy Lou Ann Allison Guy (April 5, 1916 - March 5, 2006)

 Aunt Birchie
(Daddy called her 'Birch')
I had a wonderful visit with her just last week…love her, her stories, and her pictures!
She always has the most beautiful flowers 
(I promise there is usually more than just 'one'…)

Aunt Willene
Below left - must visit her soon
Growing up, Aunt Berchie and her family lived near us - as did Aunt Willene's family.
I bet that my first cousins and I rode tricycles a million miles - in the driveways!

This is 'ONE' of the many treasures that Aunt Berchie shared with me.  
I have maternal and paternal aunts in this photo - WHOO HOOO!
…she even had the 'DATE' written on the back!
June 17, 1945
I feel as though the photo needs a name…I must think about that!

Back Row l-r:  Aunt Reba (maternal), Aunt Berchie (paternal), Rosa Lee Ashburn (cousin)
Middle Row l-r:  Aunt Pearl (maternal), Jean Lafever (no idea), Aunt Lillie (maternal)
Front Row l-r:  Anna Faye Lafever (yep-was named after her), Aunt Ruth (maternal)

…who made growing up fun
…who helped shape me into whatever I am  - that's up for discussion
…that loved my Mama and Daddy
…with the helmet hair
…who allowed me to make mud pies
…who gave me precious memories

To my cousins, family, friends - if anyone wants a copy of any of
 these photographs - I will gladly share!  


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