THE "IN-BETWEENS" ~ It Matters To Me

Don't Be Afraid To Be Confused ~ 
Even Though After Reading This Post You may Remain That Way For Eternity
This post has been my 'written therapy' for the day…just saying!

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.
John Adams (1735 - 1826)'Argument in Defense of the Soldiers in the Boston Massacre Trials,' December 1770
As I began thinking about how I was organizing my blog, I smiled - proud of my "Life In The Past Lane." However, as I have gotten deeper and deeper into my research, I am beginning to get out-of-control.  Those of you who know me, can relate to that description in various ways (depending on who you are)!  For the past two weeks, I have been diligently working on the Cardwell Line of my family.  The line initially began with my 3rd Great Paternal Grandmother - Nancy Cardwell (1825-1872) below.  With more in-depth research, I found that my 3rd Great Grandmother may actually begin with one of her sisters, or _____, or _____.With that being said, it wouldn't make any difference from that point on as far as who my ancestors were in the Cardwell Line.  What makes the difference would be the 
"in-betweens"  - my Grandmother (Dovie Mary Martin) and  3rd Great Grandmother (that's my issue at the moment - probably a problem issue forever…).  I'm not TRYING to GET to the Cardwell Family Line - I KNOW it goes there. 
Why do the 'in-betweens' really matter?  Well, it matters to me.  It just does.

Nancy Cardwell (1825 - 1872)  - Is she my 3rd Great Grandmother?
George Washington Myatt (1842 - 1911) & Sarah Davis (who might be my 2nd Great Grandmother)
son of Nancy Cardwell - FOR SURE 
Nancy Elizabeth Myatt (1870 - 1897) - 1st Great Grandmother?
daughter of George Washington Myatt - For Sure 
Dovie Mary Martin (1894 - 1933) - Is my Grandmother - Who was her mother?
daughter of Nancy Elizabeth Myatt?  I have 2 other 'options' at this point as to who her mother is.  I'm not bragging.
Ernest Haywood Allison (1921 - 2000) - FOR SURE IS MY DADDY!
Anna Faye Allison - I THINK THIS IS ME

Here is my problem.  It appears (from my 'digging' through books, Bibles, birth and death records, etc…) there is a 'bit of a mystery' surrounding exactly who my 1st great grandmother is - Hum???  This is working me a bit too much; but I refuse to give up until I find the answer or die.  Whichever comes first!  I know what you are thinking - as records were kept….names were spelled different ways, dates were recorded incorrectly, and on and on and on.  I'm pretty smart.  I already know those things.  A special friend of mine told me recently that his grandmother always told him to "believe what is written' - especially in a Bible"…more about the Bible part later in this post...

FIRST CANDIDATE  / SECOND PATH - To The Cardwell Family Lineage
IF Nancy Elizabeth Myatt (1870-1897) is NOT my great grandmother (she just seems to disappear - almost no records at all - something seems 'fishy' to me concerning her life), the other two prospective candidates (that doesn't sound nice - but I couldn't think of a better word at this time) have direct lines up to the Cardwells.  IF Nancy Elizabeth Myatt (1870-1897) is NOT my great grandmother, then my line to the Cardwells [the 2nd way] will go through my great grandfather - Alexander Martin (1865-1925) - from him, it goes to the Cardwells, also.  Just a different path - and I do know for sure that he {Alexander Martin (1806-1925) IS my Great Grandfather and that Nancy Elizabeth Myatt (1870-1897) was his first wife}.  
Alexander Martin (1865-1925) is my great grandfather
Dovie Mary Martin (1894 - 1933) IS my Grandmother (daughter of A.Martin above)
son of Dovie Mary Martin YEP!!!!!!!

SECOND CANDIDATE /  Same SECOND PATH as above - To The Cardwell Family Lineage
Here lies deep water - there is another 'Great Grandmother Candidate' with the same 'way and path' as Alexander Martin listed above.  I found (and I don't think by any accident) this 'way' in one of the Bible records kept by my parents.  Can I make this simple to understand?  Probably not.  But, I will try.  IF my line to the Cardwells is not through my great grandmother, or great grandfather, then it will pass through (I guess I must be discreet here - until I know for sure which will probably be after after I die) the same Great Grandfather (Alexander Martin) … just 'another' different path.

Have you ever in your life heard such a thing?  
Let's just say this…according to the family Bible record, and an additional little note that I found inside the same said Bible handwritten by my Mama (even though this fiasco involves my Daddy's 
ancestry)  - my Great Grandmother (the second prospective candidate) could be the (mother-in-law of my 1st cousin 2X removed) - which would make her the 2nd 'person-of-interest'  and she would then become my Great Grandmother.   This line goes up the Cardwell line - same line as the Alexander Martin above. (I am refraining from listing his line on my blog - just because).  Wouldn't want to 'step' on too many toes at this point. Interesting - bet most of you can figure this one out without much assistance from me if you chose to do so...

 To The Cardwell Family 
My FOR SURE Grandmother was Dovie Mary Martin.  Her husband, my FOR SURE Grandfather William Luther Allison, gave the information that is presented/written on her death certificate.  He states her mother as … yep…another person.  As of right now she is listed in my tree as a 
"Great Grand Aunt."  So my Great Grand Aunt could possibly be my Great Grandmother.  

Lord, Have Mercy - and I mean that...
What do I know?
1) That Alexander Martin IS, in fact, my Great Grandfather.
All roads lead to the above fact...  
2) That there are 3 women (all of which are in my family tree and go through only 2 paths to the Cardwell Family Lineage) who could be my Great Grandmother.
Is Nancy Elizabeth Myatt my Great Grandmother?
Is  the mother-in-law of my 1st cousin 2X removed my Great Grandmother?
Is my Great Grand Aunt my Great Grandmother?
3) That I'm exhausted from this post…

 I've learned a lot of things are possible through this newly-found 'past-time' of mine that has turned in to a 'not-so-much-of-a-pasttime.  I love it!  I love the challenge, the happy, the sad, the intriguing aspects, and on and on…  If you don't understand any of the above, trust me, I get it!  You don't have to get it - it's mine to get!    



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