
Showing posts from 2015


HAPPY 94th BIRTHDAY  to My DADDY AUGUST 8, 1921 - MAY 23, 2000 I have few words to say - There are really none necessary. My Daddy knows my heart words -  That's all that matters. ~ I bet he had a Honey Bun  and a Dr. Pepper in Heaven ~ Oh, such love. August 8, 2015


MARTIN'S TAVERN Joseph Martin 3rd Cousin 9X Removed    Martin’s Tavern, “that old Accustomed House of Entertainment, known by name of the Centre House, in West Bradford,” was constructed and opened as a “Publick House” in 1764.  The tavern was located on a 2.5 acre lot, once part of a  1250 acre tract of land granted by  William Penn to Mary Penington in 1681.    THE BLACKSMITH'S SHOP The original grant was gradually subdivided and passed through several owners: Daniel Wharley, who married Mary Penington, Edward Beeson, Edward Clayton, Abraham Marshall I, William Clayton, and Richard Baker.  Joseph Martin of West Bradford  was the first owner of Martin's Tavern and Keeper. On June 9, 1764, Joseph Martin purchased from Richard and Rachel Baker two acres with a fine, two-and-a-half-story stone house measuring 23’ across the front and 31’ deep on the gable. The tract was adjacent to the Bradford Meetin...


A  LINE  COMPLETED  WITH  CONFIDENCE (Confidence in the fact that mistakes may have been made) May 24, 2019 _______________________________________________________________________ Feeling confident about genealogical research is a great feeling. I have found that I get so excited when I find something here and there, but my tendency to "DIGRESS" becomes full blown.   With that said, I'm now (for the moment) focused on …  I forgot what I was focused on... just kidding! . My 'dead people' research includes some peculiar people, pitfalls, and problems.  It also includes beauty, happiness, and  great love. I have completed my one paternal line of  great grandparents with all of their children.   I have deliberately 'cut' out spouses, children, etc… from most of the photos.   Why?... to put the focus on one ancestor at a time.   I want to look into one face - ...